Kamishibai Downloads

Offering downloads of my kamishibai in .zip format. Though make no mistake, not everything of mine will be here. Hey, much as I love giving you stuff for free, that would defeat the purpose of Otaku World, wouldn't it?

Summaries, character bios, and any other information about these stories can be found in my works. This is just a quick and dirty download index.

Unzip these files into the Kamishibai folder — just as if you were downloading them from OW. The directory structure is the same, thanks to 7-zip.



Image Downloads

All free for non-commercial use. Edit them as you like. I'd appreciate a credit, but it's not entirely necessary.

If you're looking for a different size, feel free to contact me and I'll try to help. (Sometimes I don't have the original file though — not much I can do there.)


80 × 80

Lucius (Unmotivated) Antarion (Legend of Aledarte)

100 × 100

Lucius (Unmotivated) Antarion (Legend of Aledarte) Jisella Blaze (NEKP I: Guardians) Templar Freya (NEKP I: Guardians)


Jisella Blaze (NEKP I: Guardians) Ryda Junpuu (NEKP I: Guardians)

Other Downloads

And of course, the miscellaneous section. Currently home to a hard-to-find freeware graphics program that you might find useful.

D-Pixed 2.17 (International + Japanese Version)
D-Pixed is an awesome little bridge between the massive overkill that is Photoshop CS, and the total dearth of features in MSPaint. It restricts you to 256 colors per image, which may not be your thing. It isn't the most intuitive program in the world, it does have a few bugs, and — even if the international version wasn't a rarity — the English support is low.

But it crashes and corrupts your files far less than certain commercial graphics programs — and if low-color, pixelated images are your thing, I would say D-Pixed is worth a try.You may also want to investigate GraphicsGale.

I have modified Vector's original LZH so that it contains both English and Japanese executables — and is a zip file. Run "D-Pixed.exe" to use the international version. Run "D-Pixed-J.exe" to use the Japanese version.